12/10, wait for the signal.12/10, wait for the signal.
12/10, wait for the signal.Yesterday morning, it was predicted that there would be a heavy-duty sunny line today or tomorrow, and then it was good, which disrupted the whole rhythm. The sunny line I predicted was not like this, but should be the normal daily line 3 accelerated sunny line. a50 consumed expectations in advance, and opened higher today. If you want to go high, you have to take a lot of money to pick it up, and you can't get out after picking up today's big money. The daily limit is less than 100, so I will definitely smash it. Many tickets should have taken the daily line 3 together with the market resonance today, but now they are higher, and most of them are small-scale deviations from high opening and low going. The next question is, will the funds come in this afternoon to get the goods, and take them today? It will go up tomorrow. If they don't take it, they will run away in the morning, and they can take it at a lower position tomorrow or in the second half of the week. That's callback logic.12/10, wait for the signal.